Mon-Fri: 09:00 – 17:00

Basic Principles of PPYAE

The main goal of the Quality System, Environment, Health & Safety at Work (PPYAE) of ERGOTRAK, is the continuous improvement of the efficiency of its processes, always guided by the satisfaction of the needs and expectations of the customers, the prevention of pollution, the workers’ accidents and occupational diseases.

For the implementation of the above, the Management has established objective goals, objectives and programs for the Quality, the Environment and the Health and Safety of the Employees, based on the undivided and constructive cooperation of both the employees and the associates.

The basic principles as applied by the PPYAE System are:

  • Compliance with laws, regulations and other binding obligations governing the operation of the company, regarding the provision of products and services, environmental management and health and safety at work
  • Compliance with the requirements of the standards ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015 and OHSAS 18001: 2007
  • Satisfaction of customer requirements as agreed
  • Constructive cooperation and communication with external providers, who are asked to embrace the company’s principles
  • Promoting open dialogue and stakeholder information
  • The continuous information and training of the staff and their encouragement for their active participation in the improvement of the working environment and environmental protection actions in the field of their activity
  • Systematic identification, assessment and control of environmental impacts and health and safety risks
  • The protection of the natural environment from the company’s activities, the sustainable use of resources, the reduction of the impact and adaptation to climate change, as well as the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems
  • The minimization and rational management of the generated waste and the continuous effort to increase the quantities of waste for recycling, as well as the rational management of natural resources.

The principles of the PPYAE System, as well as the objective purposes, are monitored and reviewed at regular intervals by the Management, for the continuous improvement of the company’s operations. The Management is committed to providing the necessary resources for the smooth implementation of the PPYAE System in the company and its continuous improvement.

All departments of the company have the responsibility to respond, assimilate and apply the procedures of the PPYAE System.

This PPYAE Policy is reviewed periodically, is available to any interested party and is communicated to the entire human resources of the company.

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10-12 Απριλίου 2025 HELEXPO, Θεσσαλονίκη

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